Caren Irr: Pink Pirates: Contemporary American Women Writers and Copyright (2010)

12 December 2015, dusan

“Readings of contemporary American women writers, controversies over copyright, and feminist theory

Today, copyright is everywhere, surrounded by a thicket of no trespassing signs that mark creative work as private property. Caren Irr’s Pink Pirates asks how contemporary novelists—represented by Ursula Le Guin, Andrea Barrett, Kathy Acker, and Leslie Marmon Silko—have read those signs, arguing that for feminist writers in particular copyright often conjures up the persistent exclusion of women from ownership. Bringing together voices from law schools, courtrooms, and the writer’s desk, Irr shows how some of the most inventive contemporary feminist novelists have reacted to this history.

Explaining the complex, three-century lineage of Anglo-American copyright law in clear, accessible terms and wrestling with some of copyright law’s most deeply rooted assumptions, Irr sets the stage for a feminist reappraisal of the figure of the literary pirate in the late twentieth century—a figure outside the restrictive bounds of U.S. copyright statutes.

Going beyond her readings of contemporary women authors, Irr’s exhaustive history of how women have fared under intellectual property regimes speaks to broader political, social, and economic implications and engages digital-era excitement about the commons with the most utopian and materialist strains in feminist criticism.”

Publisher University of Iowa Press, 2010
ISBN 1587299127, 9781587299124
220 pages
via wX

Reviews: Madeleine Monson-Rosen (Mediations, 2010), Sean Latham (Modern Language Quarterly, 2012).


PDF (updated 2017-9-22)

Peter Steiner: Russian Formalism: A Metapoetics (1984)

18 August 2015, dusan

“Thirty years after its first publication, Peter Steiner’s erudite, thoughtful book remains a classic study of Russian Formalism. His “metapoetic” analysis offers a simple, clear schema for apprehending the unity of action and dynamic configuration of the Russian formalists’s program, while fully respecting the diversity of the cluster of theories they put forward. As such, it also serves as one of the best introductions to a movement that still exerts considerable influence on literary study.”

Publisher Cornell University Press, 1984
Digital edition by sdvig press, Geneva/Lausanne, 2014
Formalisms series, 1
Open access
ISBN 9782970082934
245 pages

Reviews: Richard F. Gustafson (Slavic Review, 1985), Rene Wellek (Poetics Today, 1986), Milton Ehre (Comparative Literature, 1986).


PDF (updated on 2018-6-23)
multiple formats (Internet Archive, added on 2018-6-23)
PDFs (added on 2018-9-23)

Michael Backes: Experimentelle Semiotik in Literaturavantgarden: über die Wiener Gruppe mit Bezug auf die Konkrete Poesie (2001) [German]

10 August 2015, dusan

“Mit einem beispiellosen theoretischen und praktischen Aufwand versuchte die Wiener Gruppe, etablierte Werte und realitätskonstitutive Symbolordnungen in ihren Grundfesten zu erschüttern. Die Mittel reichten von seriellen Formzerstörungen über die Dezentrierung “diskursiver Ordnungen” (Derrida, Foucault) bis hin zur aktionistischen Fiktionalisierung von Situationsdefinitionen. In einiger Hinsicht kann man also von einem Poststrukturalismus avant la lettre sprechen. Mit ihm hebt sich die Wiener Gruppe nicht nur von tradierten Literaturmodellen, sondern auch von jener Ästhetik der Selbstidentität ab, die Autoren wie Gomringer oder S.J. Schmidt vertreten. Am Leitfaden von exemplarischen Mikroanalysen entwickelt Backes ein Begriffsinstrumentarium, mit dem sich die experimentelle Semiotik der Wiener Gruppe im Verhältnis zur Konkreten Poesie adäquat erschließen und historisch situieren läßt.”

Publisher Wilhelm Fink, Munich, 2001
Das Problempotential der Nachkriegsavantgarden series, 1
ISBN 3770534506, 9783770534500
345 pages
