Michel Foucault: The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969-) [FR, ES, IT, EN, BR-PT, AR, SR, TR, CZ, RU]

22 June 2013, dusan

The Archaeology of Knowledge (L’archéologie du savoir) is a methodological treatise promoting what the French philosopher Michel Foucault calls “archaeology” or the “archaeological method”, an analytical method he implicitly used in his previous works Madness and Civilization, The Birth of the Clinic, and The Order of Things. It is Foucault’s only explicitly methodological work.

The premise of the book is that systems of thought and knowledge (“epistemes” or “discursive formations”) are governed by rules (beyond those of grammar and logic) which operate in the consciousness of individual subjects and define a system of conceptual possibilities that determines the boundaries of thought in a given domain and period.” (from Wikipedia)

French edition
Publisher Editions Gallimard, 1969
275 pages

English edition: The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language
Translated by A. M. Sheridan Smith
Discourse on Language was originally published in French as L’ordre du discours, Editions Gallimard, 1971. English translation by Rupert Swyer
Publisher Pantheon Books, New York, 1972
ISBN 0394711068
246 pages
via esco_bar


L’archéologie du savoir (French, 1969, no OCR)
La arqueología del saber (Spanish, trans. Aurelio Garzón del Camino, 1970/2002, no OCR)
L’archeologia del sapere: Una metodologia per la storia della cultura (Italian, trans. Giovanni Bogliolo, 4th edition, 1971/2009, via oize, EPUB)
The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language (English, trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith and Rupert Swyer, 1972). Routledge Classics edition (2002, added on 2013-6-28)
A Arqueologia do Saber (BR-Portuguese, trans. Luiz Felipe Baeta Neves, 7th edition, 1972/2008, no OCR, no OCR)
حفريات-المعرفة-فوكو (Arabic, 1987, no OCR)
Arheologija znanja (Serbian, trans. Mladen Kozomara, 1998, no OCR)
Bilginin arkeolojisi (Turkish, trans. Veli Urhan, 1999, no OCR)
Archeologie vědění (Czech, trans. Čestmír Pelikán, 2002, no OCR)
Археология знания (Russian, trans. М. Б. Ракова and А. Ю. Серебрянникова, 2004, PDF, added on 2013-9-26), DJVU

Sanford Schram, Brian Caterino (eds.): Making Political Science Matter: Debating Knowledge, Research, and Method (2006)

16 March 2012, dusan

Making Political Science Matter brings together a number of prominent scholars to discuss the state of the field of Political Science. In particular, these scholars are interested in ways to reinvigorate the discipline by connecting it to present day political struggles. Uniformly well-written and steeped in a strong sense of history, the contributors consider such important topics as: the usefulness of rational choice theory; the ethical limits of pluralism; the use (and misuse) of empirical research in political science; the present-day divorce between political theory and empirical science; the connection between political science scholarship and political struggles, and the future of the discipline. This volume builds on the debate in the discipline over the significance of the work of Bent Flyvbjerg, whose book Making Social Science Matter has been characterized as a manifesto for the Perestroika Movement that has roiled the field in recent years.

Contributors include: Brian Caterino, Stewart Clegg, Bent Flyvbjerg, Mary Hawkesworth, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson, Gregory J. Kasza, David Kettler, David D. Laitin, Timothy W. Luke, Theodore R. Schatzki, Sanford F. Schram, Peregrine Schwartz-Shea, Corey S. Shdaimah, Roland W. Stahl, and Leslie Paul Thiele.

Publisher NYU Press, 2006
ISBN 0814740332, 9780814740330
304 pages

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