Tomislav Medak, Petar Milat (eds.): Idea of Radical Media (2013) [English/Croatian]

29 January 2014, dusan

This is the “reader from the Idea of Radical Media conference, held June 7-8, 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia, and organized by the Multimedia Institute. The conference took place in the context of the exhibition Prospects of Arkzin and the media action Installing the Public, both revisiting the Arkzin phenomenon two decades later. Arkzin was a collective and a publication that emerged out of the Anti-War Campaign in the early 1990s and gave a theoretical and polemical voice to anti-nationalist positions. The publishing and activist practices of Arkzin anticipated and reflected the practices of tactical media that were crystallizing from a particular confluence of a political moment marked by the post-socialist transition, post-Yugoslav conflicts and alter-globalist contestations, and a technological moment of the rise of early Net.

However, the conference and the reader have a broader aim. On the one hand, we wanted to look back at the practical articulations and discursive re-articulations of radical media practices in arts, mass communication and political work and over the last two decades. On the other, to reasses the notion of radical media from a broader historical perspective and the critical perspective of the current political moment.” (from the Introduction)

With essays by Clemens Apprich, Eric Kluitenberg, Jodi Dean, Matteo Pasquinelli, Branka Ćurčić, Alessandro Ludovico, Anthony Iles, Joanne Richardson, Vera Tollmann, Katarina Peović Vuković and Ana Peraica.

Idea of Radical Media / Ideja radikalnih medija
Publisher Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, 2013
ISBN 9789537372101
256 pages

See also Prospects of Arkzin catalogue (48 pp, 2013)

D. M. Berry, M. Dieter, B. Gottlieb, L. Voropai: Imaginary Museums, Computationality & the New Aesthetic (2013)

13 November 2013, dusan

“This text was produced in a four-day long process of collaborative writing, a so called book sprint, facilitated by Adam Hyde through the Booktype software and featuring writers David M. Berry, Michael Dieter, Baruch Gottlieb and Lioudmila Voropai. The instructions were to write an essay on the relationship between the netculture meme, The New Aesthetic and The Imaginary Museum, as an art world meme. Following this intense and extremely creative writing process, a work of approximately 12,000 words was produced as a contribution to the file_under: The Imaginary Museum informing transmediale 2013.” (Source)

Self-published in Berlin, January 2013
41 pages
via anonymous


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monochrom, 3-10 (1994-1998) [German]

8 August 2013, dusan

The mouthpiece of an international art-technology-philosophy collective founded in 1993, with its headquarters at Museumsquartier in Vienna.

Editor-in-chief: Johannes Grenzfurthner
Publisher Monochrom, Vienna
ISSN 1024-6738

Monochrom on Wikipedia

PDF (No. 3: media dings, 1994/95, 68 pp)
PDF (No. 4-5: media art damage, 1995/96, 104 pp)
PDF (No. 6-7: 100% error free high-density druckwerk, 1997, 112 pp)
PDF (No. 8-10: gebenedeit unter den illustrierten, 1998, 180 pp)

Later issues