Seminar, 1: Inverse Universe (2019) [Korean]

28 August 2019, dusan

The inaugural issue of the art and visual culture zine Seminar.

“시각문화예술 웹진 ⟨seminar〉 창간호를 공개합니다. 첫 호의 제목은 ‘여성적 상상력’을 주제로 한 ‘Inverse Universe’ 입니다.”

Publisher Ágrafa Society, Seoul, 2019
Open access



Laboria Cuboniks: The Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation (2018)

20 October 2018, dusan

“The real emancipatory potential of technology remains unrealised.

The Xenofeminist Manifesto calls for the scaling up of feminism. Contemporary feminism, it contends, is limited by its predominant investment in local and micropolitical action. What is needed is a feminism capable of systemic intervention. The Xenofeminist Manifesto propose that such a feminism must start from a new universal–one no longer coded as cis, straight, white, and male–with Xenofeminism as its theoretical and technological platform. Drawing on queer and transfeminist theory, as well as philosophical rationalism, against nature and biological essentialism, the feminist collective Laboria Cuboniks instead invest in alienation and the anti-natural, in seizing technology and in embracing the desire for an alien future.

If nature is unjust, change nature!”

Publisher Verso, London, September 2018
Creative Commons BY 4.0 International License
ISBN 9781788731577, 1788731573
95 pages

Commentary: Annie Goh (2018).



Cornelia Sollfrank (ed.): The Beautiful Warriors: Technofeminist Praxis in the 21st Century (2018–) [German, English]

9 September 2018, dusan

The Beautiful Warriors. Technofeminist Praxis in the 21st Century brings together seven current technofeminist positions from the fields of art and activism. In very different ways, they expand the theories and practices of 1990s cyberfeminism and thus react to new forms of discrimination and exploitation. Gender politics are negotiated with reference to technology, and questions of technology are combined with questions of ecology and economy. The different positions around this new techno-eco-feminism understand their practice as an invitation to take up their social and aesthetic interventions, to join in, to continue, and never give up.”

Contributions from Christina Grammatikopoulou, Isabel de Sena, Femke Snelting, Cornelia Sollfrank, Spideralex, Sophie Toupin, hvale vale, Yvonne Volkart.

German edition
Publisher transversal texts, Vienna, August 2018
ISBN 9783903046160, 3903046167
225 pages

English edition
Publisher Minor Compositions, Colchester, 2019
Open access
ISBN 9781570273650
151 pages

Reviews: Pat Treusch (Berliner Gazette, 2018, DE).

Publisher (DE)
Publisher (EN)
WorldCat (DE)

Die schönen Kriegerinnen. Technofeministische Praxis im 21. Jahrhundert: EPUB, EPUB, PDF, PDF (German, 2018)
The Beautiful Warriors: Technofeminist Praxis in the 21st Century: PDF (English, 2019, updated to corrected version on 2020-8-7)