Notes sur les mouvements (2013-2014) [French/English]

10 October 2019, dusan

A free publication edited by Romana Schmalisch during her residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.

“The first issue analyses the conjunction of dance with Labour Movements of the 1930s (New Dance Group) as well as its use in the industry to enhance efficiency (Laban/Lawrence); it looks at the vague image that we have from various professions, researches the value of the performance of a work and its equivalence in the wage, and considers different forms of abstractions (notations and graphics) and training methods.”

“The second issue focuses on the question of education. In an interview, sociologist Anne Querrien discusses social norms and the school system. In her text, the London-based writer Marina Vishmidt revisits an earlier essay which considered the relationship between contemporary dance and the de-materialization of labour. What changes about this relationship as all employment becomes more and more of a brutal hypothesis in our post-crisis conditions?”

“The last, third, issue deals with what is at stake when one learns a job, with relationships between teachers and students, with various methods of education, and with the way these systems reflect certain social norms.”

Edited by Romana Schmalisch
Publisher Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Aubervilliers, 2013-2014
Open access
24 pages per issue


Issue 1 (September 2013)
Issue 2 (March 2014)
Issue 3 (September 2014)

Seminar, 1: Inverse Universe (2019) [Korean]

28 August 2019, dusan

The inaugural issue of the art and visual culture zine Seminar.

“시각문화예술 웹진 ⟨seminar〉 창간호를 공개합니다. 첫 호의 제목은 ‘여성적 상상력’을 주제로 한 ‘Inverse Universe’ 입니다.”

Publisher Ágrafa Society, Seoul, 2019
Open access



Michel Chion: La musique du futur: a-t-elle un avenir? (1977) [French]

8 August 2019, dusan

Entretiens menés en 1975-76 auprès de compositeurs/trices de tous horizons, dont Pierre Schaeffer, Luc Ferrari, Luciano Berio, René Bastian, Ghédalia Tazartès, Louise Garriépi, Klaus Ager, Ilhan Mimaroglu, Laurie Spiegel, etc.

Publisher Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA)/GRM, Paris, 1977
Cahiers Recherche/Musique, 4
148 pages
via author
