Marshall McLuhan, et al.: Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations (1967)

8 July 2012, dusan

Revised edition of Explorations magazine, No. 8 (Oct 1957).

With additional contributions by V. J. Papanek, J. B. Bessinger, Marshall McLuhan, Karl Polanyi, Carol C. Hollis, David Hogg, Jack Jones
Publisher Something Else Press, New York/Frankfurt/Villefranche-sur-Mer, 1967
61 pages

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PDF (40 MB)

Jeff Berner (ed.): Astronauts of Inner-Space: An International Collection of Avant-Garde Activity (1966)

8 July 2012, dusan

17 Manifestoes, Articles, Letters, 28 Poems & 1 Filmscript.

With manifestoes by Raoul Hausmann, John Arden, Jorgen Nash, Decio Pignatari, Maurice Girodias, Bruno Munari, Allen Ginsberg, Franz Mon, Marshall McLuhan, Max Bense, Diter Rot, Otto Piene, W. S. Burroughs, Dom Sylvester Houedard, Konrad Bayer, Margaret Masterman, R. Watts

Publisher Stolen Paper Review Editions, San Francisco, and The Times Publishing Co, London, 1966
66 pages
scanned by Lori Emerson

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Alessandro Ludovico: Post-Digital Print: The Mutation of Publishing Since 1894 (2012–) [EN, IT]

20 May 2012, dusan

“In the post-digital age, digital technology is no longer revolutionary but a normality, everywhere. For music or film, circulation as bits and bytes, downloads and streams are no longer a big deal. But for the world of book and magazine publishing, change has just begun.

New ways of networked and electronic publishing had been envisioned by avant-garde artists, activists and technologists for more than a century. Even though in hindsight the reports of the death of paper were greatly exaggerated, electronic publishing has now become a reality. How will analog and digital coexist in the post-digital age of publishing? How will they transition, mix and cross over?

In this book, Alessandro Ludovico rereads the history of avant-garde arts as a prehistory of cutting through the opposites of paper and electronics. He covers, among others, artists’ books and manifests, zines, net art and experimental publishing projects, up to e-readers and print-on-demand.”

With Afterword by Florian Cramer
Publisher Creating 010, Hogeschool Rotterdam & Onomatopee, Eindhoven, May 2012
Onomatopee 77: Cabinet Project
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
ISBN 9789078454878, 9078454873
192 pages
via Florian Cramer

Interview with author: Teresa de Andrés (VisualMag, 2012).
Reviews: Franz Thalmair (Springerin, 2012), Regine Debatty (We Make Money Not Art, 2013), Rob Myers (Furtherfield, 2013), Paul Prudence (Neural, 2013), (2013), Kate Cunningham (Yapp, 2014), Eloïse Cariou (Critique d’art, 2016, FR), Benjamin Caraco (BBF, 2017, FR).

Book launch (Eindhoven, 2012)
Post Digital Print (series of activities around the publication, 2012)

Book website
Publisher (EN)
Publisher (IT, archived)
WorldCat (EN)

Post-Digital Print (English, 2012, updated on 2012-5-31 to the latest version of the book, Internet Archive)
Post-digital print. La mutazione dell’editoria dal 1894 (Italian, trans. Alessandro Ludovico and Rosa Antonicelli Verrelli, 2014, added on 2020-6-3)