Oleg Kireev: Media-Activist Cookbook (2006) [Russian]

3 April 2009, dusan

The publication introduces to the Russian audience topics of tactical media and communicates experience of groups and movements, such as telestreet, Paper Tiger TV, Digital City, The Yes Men, Kein Mensch ist illegal, Critical Art Ensemble; experiences of flashmob, culture jamming, campaigning. It also digs into the history of pirate radios, videoactivism and free software movement. Specifically to Russia, it investigates topics of political technologies (as used in political campaigns and media), and traces the domestic history of free communication in samizdat.

Five translated articles appear in the appendix: David Garcia’s and Geert Lovink’s “ABC of tactical media”, Matteo Pasquinelli’s “Urban Television Manifesto”, “On the use of tactical media in the orange revolution” (by the Ukrainian portal Zaraz. org), Geert Lovink’s “Theory of mixing” and Konrad Becker’s “Freedom of expression and new technologies”.

Publisher Ultra.Culture, Moscow-Yekaterinburg, 2006

author (Russian)

PDF (updated on 2013-5-29)

The Laboratory Planet, 1-4 (2007-2011) [English/French]

13 February 2009, dusan

The Laboratory Planet is a periodic journal of philosophy, science and critical writing on technology. It is published in two versions, English and French, both as print and internet editions. Ewen Chardronnet, Michel Tibon-Cornillot and Bureau d’études, produce Laboratory Planet with a team of artistic researchers, philosophers, scientists and activists. As a journalistic multimedia piece, its online platform discusses geostrategic and tactical media as well as speculative issues lurking behind the ambiguous headlines of the mainstream press.”

Magazine website

Issue 1: Why are we working to our own obsolescence? (2007, English, updated on 2017-12-4)
Issue 1: Pourquoi travaillons nous à notre obsolescence? (2007, French, updated on 2017-12-4)
Issue 2: Hope is not needed to act (July 2008, English, added on 2017-12-4)
Issue 2: Il n’est nul besoin d’espérer pour entreprendre (July 2008, French, updated on 2017-12-4)
Issue 3: The laboratory planet or the terminal phase of nihilism (September 2008, English, updated on 2017-12-4)
Issue 3: La planète laboratoire ou la phase terminale du nihilisme (September 2008, French, updated on 2017-12-4)
Issue 4: La conquète de la Terre par les ordinateurs (October 2011, French, added on 2013-8-1, updated on 2017-12-4)
See also Issue 5.

Deptford.TV Diaries II: Pirate Strategies (2008)

9 February 2009, dusan

“This reader problematises the notion of ‘tactical media’. As McKenzie Wark and others stated already in 2003: ‘can tactical media anticipate, rather than be merely reactive?’ By calling for a strategic approach to media production and distribution, the intention is to overcome some of the structural paradoxes inherent to ‘alternative’ or ‘oppositional’ media, especially since much of the free / open culture dissemination on the Internet has become the new “mainstream” in itself (think of the casual defiance of copyright played out relentlessly and on a mass scale with file-sharing, social networking, and everyday media consumption).

The book is a compilation of theoretical underpinnings, local narratives and written documentation not only of the Deptford.TV project but of phenomena relating to this new situation of ‘strategic media’.”

Keywords: alternative media, strategic media, documentary filmmaking, piracy, file-sharing, digitization, media distribution, local regeneration, urban change.
Steal This Film, YouTube, copyleft, object code, Pirate Bay, Lewisham, Guanxi, Lawrence Lessig, Critical Art Ensemble, Facebook, Pepys estate, Armin Medosch, remix culture, Found footage, Linux, Node.London, Debian Social Contract, Jonas Andersson, Cory Doctorow

Publisher OWN, SPC Media Lab, Deckspace, London, 2008
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 License
ISBN 9781906496111
171 pages
