FIT: Festival intermediálnej tvorby, catalogue (1991) [Slovak]

11 November 2012, dusan

A catalogue for an intermedia art festival organised by The Society for Non-conventional Music (SNEH) in Bratislava on 4-10 March 1991.

Featured artists: Milan Adamčiak, László Cselényi, Balvan Theatre, Daniel Aschwanden, Dada Soiré, Dama Dama, Stano Filko, Dušan Hanák, Viktor Hulík, Milan Knížák, Werner Kodytek, Ladislav Novák, Štěpán Pala, Nová vážnosť, Michal Kern, Dezider Tóth, Juraj Bartusz, Jozef Juhász, Čenkovej deti, Jozef Juhász, Blaho Uhlár Theatre, Transmusic comp. Tibor Szemző, Vitebsk Broken, Alan Vitouš, A Dato

Editor Milan Adamčiak

FIT on Monoskop wiki

PDF (no OCR)

Stan VanDerBeek: Violence Sonata / The History of Violence in America (1970)

7 November 2012, dusan

Stan VanDerBeek was part of the “Rockefeller Artists-in-Television” residency program at Boston public television station WGBH from 1969–1970, during which time he produced the simulcast television program Violence Sonata. The program, directed by David Atwood and Fred Barzyk, was transmitted simultaneously on both Channels 2 and 44 on January 12, 1970, with the suggestion that viewers place two television sets side-by-side. Following sonata form, the piece is composed of three segments: “Man,” “Man to Woman,” and “Man to Man.” The simultaneous broadcast consisted of material VanDerBeek composed from previous films, archival and newsreel footage, video shot in Boston for the show, and filmed collages, further manipulated and enhanced through overlays and color saturation. Sections of the broadcast were played before a live studio audience, with actors also performing a play written by VanDerBeek for the show. Home viewers were encouraged to call in their responses to the program between the acts. The series of collages entitled The History of Violence in America was conceived as layouts for reproduction and publication in a booklet to accompany the broadcast.


Commentary: Melissa Ragain (X-TRA, 2012).

Video excerpt (Violence Sonata)
PDF (Violence Sonata – script, photo documentation, sketches, collages, reviews)
PDF (The History of Violence in America, 22 pages)

Larry Austin, Douglas Kahn (eds.): Source: Music of the Avant-Garde, 1966-1973 (2011)

11 October 2012, dusan

“The journal Source: Music of the Avant-garde was and remains a seminal source for materials on the heyday of experimental music and arts. Conceived in 1966 and published to 1973, it included some of the most important composers and artists of the time: John Cage, Harry Partch, David Tudor, Morton Feldman, Robert Ashley, Pauline Oliveros, Dick Higgins, Nam June Paik, Steve Reich, and many others. A pathbreaking publication, Source documented crucial changes in performance practice and live electronics, computer music, notation and event scores, theater and installations, intermedia and technology, politics and the social roles of composers and performers, and innovations in the sound of music.”

Publisher University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2011
Roth Family Foundation Music in America Books series
ISBN 0520267451, 9780520267459
382 pages

Reviews: Continuo (2011), Michael Boyd (Computer Music Journal, 2013).

Wikipedia (about the journal)

PDF (removed on 2013-7-18 upon request of the publisher)