Paola Berenstein Jacques: Estética da ginga: A arquitetura das favelas através da obra de Hélio Oiticica (2001) [Portuguese]

12 December 2013, dusan

Estética da ginga goes from a transcendental gesture [the rising of the artist, Hélio Oiticica, to favela’s hill] to perform a mapping in three fields: artistic, architectural and, by extension, the sociocultural.

The book pursues an interdisciplinary frontier, narrowing notions of art, architecture and philosophy.

The life and work of Hélio Oiticica serve as a living model for this aesthetic in which the “ginga”, dancing, covering and uncovering his body of dancer, artist, slum inhabitant, the artist evokes at the same time the samba of the “favelas”, the “favelas” themselves, and shows us that the origin of the artwork changes every moment in the life of a city, a group, a man, in a sort of ephemeral joy.

Publisher Casa da Palavra, Rio de Janeiro, 2001
ISBN 8587220438
160 pages
via Andreia Costa

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Klaxon: mensário de arte moderna, No. 1-9 (1922-23) [Portuguese]

22 July 2013, dusan

Lançada em São Paulo no mesmo ano que se realiza a Semana de Arte Moderna, Klaxon (1922-1923) é a primeira revista modernista do Brasil.

Em “O Alegre combate de Klaxon”, excelente introdução á edição fac-similar da revista, Mário da Silva Brito afirma que “em Klaxon aparece, sob forma de artigos, poemas, comentários, críticas de arte, piadas e farpas zombeteiras, o estado de espírito do grupo de jovens que elaborou a ideologia modernista”. Do comitê de redação, participam ativamente Menotti del Picchia e Guilherme de Almeida. Porém , ainda que a revista não o registre de forma explícita, sabe-se hoje, por intermédio de Aracy Amaral, que Mário de Andrade foi “diretor e líder da revista“. Mesmo assim, de um número para outro prevalece o espírito de grupo anunciado no texto introdutório : “KLAXON tem uma alma coletiva”. Essa apresentação tem todas as características de um manifesto e, embora venha assinada pela Redação, ela é, segundo Mário da Silva Brito, de autoria de Mario de Andrade. (source)

Published in São Paulo, Brazil
via Brasiliana USP

commentary (Jorge Schwartz, in Portuguese)
Klaxon at Wikipedia (in Portuguese)

PDF (all issues, ZIP)
Download Issue 1 (May 1922), Issue 2 (June 1922), Issue 3 (July 1922), Issue 4 (Aug 1922), Issue 5 (Sep 1922), Issue 6 (Oct 1922), Issue 7 (Nov 1922), Issue 8-9 (Dec 1922-Jan 1923).

Félix Guattari, Suely Rolnik: Molecular Revolution in Brazil (1986–) [BR-PT, ES, EN]

24 April 2011, dusan

“Following Brazil’s first democratic election after two decades of military dictatorship, French philosopher Félix Guattari traveled through Brazil in 1982 with Brazilian psychoanalyst Suely Rolnik and discovered an exciting, new political vitality. In the infancy of its new republic, Brazil was moving against traditional hierarchies of control and totalitarian regimes and founding a revolution of ideas and politics. Molecular Revolution in Brazil documents the conversations, discussions, and debates that arose during the trip, including a dialogue between Guattari and Brazil’s future President Luis Ignacia Lula da Silva, then a young gubernatorial candidate. Through these exchanges, Guattari cuts through to the shadowy practices of globalization gone awry and boldly charts a revolution in practice.

Assembled and edited by Rolnik, Molecular Revolution in Brazil is organized thematically; aphoristic at times, it presents a lesser-known, more overtly political aspect of Guattari’s work. Originally published in Brazil in 1986 as Micropolitica: Cartografias do desejo, the book became a crucial reference for political movements in Brazil in the 1980s and 1990s. It now provides English-speaking readers with an invaluable picture of the radical thought and optimism that lies at the root of Lula’s Brazil.”

Originally published as Micropolítica: Cartografias do desejo, Vozes, Petrópolis, 1986.

English edition
Translated by Karel Clapshow and Brian Holmes
Publisher Semiotext(e), Los Angeles 2008
Foreign Agents series
ISBN 1584350512, 9781584350514
495 pages

Review: Aliocha wald Lasowski (Chimères, 2007, FR).

Publisher (EN)
Publisher (ES, Madrid)
Publisher (ES, Buenos Aires)

Micropolítica. Cartografias do desejo (BR-Portuguese, 4th ed., 1984/1996, added on 2017-2-22)
Micropolítica. Cartografías del deseo (Spanish, trans. Florencia Gómez, Madrid ed., 2006, added on 2013-9-26)
Molecular Revolution in Brazil (English, trans. Karel Clapshow and Brian Holmes, 2008, updated on 2017-6-26)
Micropolítica. Cartografías del deseo (Spanish, trans. Florencia Gómez, Buenos Aires ed., 2nd ed., 2006/2013, added on 2020-11-14)