IDEA Arts + Society (2003–) [Romanian/English]

13 September 2011, dusan

Idea 36-37, 2010

Idea 35, 2010

“IDEA art+society is a multiannual publication produced by IDEA, Cluj. It is published under its current form since 2003.

Allegiance to the exigency of genuine theory – a theory which is, first of all, its own practice – this is the program of IDEA arts+society magazine. This means: the practice of the concerned eye, which can be rigorous solely through the unconditional solidarity with the concrete. It is a practice of thinking which is alien to any aestheticism, hostile to any institutionalized transcendence, immune to the biased fiction of ideological neutrality, and remote from the pernicious language of our contemporary culture of ‘experts.’ In brief, it is the practice of critical and defiant reflection, dramatically lacking in the intellectual-civic debates of present-day Romania.

The graphical and logical operator ‘+’ functions as the material figura of all these dimensions, to which we can add artistic education and the public influence of art. The various ways of deciphering this sign suggest the manifold articulations between the artistic and the social realm. That is, the political.”

IDEA artă + societate / IDEA arts + society
Editors: Bogdan Ghiu, Ciprian Mureșan, Timotei Nădășan (editor-in-chief), Alexandru Polgár, Adrian T. Sîrbu, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Raluca Voinea
ISSN 1583–8293

Magazine website


The Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge (ADILKNO): The Media Archive. World Edition (1992/1998)

3 October 2010, dusan

Dense, rigorous essays concerned not with the secret intentions lurking behind information transmission, but on the parallel worlds created through these transmissions. Media see the world as raw material for their own project, and as they are forced to constant development, the media text can never produce a final understanding. In these essays, ADILKNO looks for models of thought and magic words that will help the media text spell itself out to the point of exhaustion.

Many pieces in the “Media Archive” were originally written for the Dutch media art magazine “Mediamatic” and the Belgian film magazine “Andere Sinema” (Other Cinema).

Originally published as: Stichting ter Bevordering van de Illegale Wetenschap. “BILWET Media-Archief.” Amsterdam: Ravijn, 1992 and Agentur Bilwet “Medien-Archiv”, Mannheim: Bollmann, 1993.
Translated from the Dutch by Laura Martz, Washington, D.C., and Sakhra -l’Assal/Ziekend Zoeltjes Produkties, Amsterdam, 1997
Published by Autonomedia, New York City, 1998
ISBN: 1570270791
Anti-Copyright © 1997 Autonomedia & Adilkno


View online (TXT articles)

Walter Benjamin: Illuminations: Essays and Reflections (1955-) [EN, ES, SK]

27 August 2009, dusan

Walter Benjamin was one of the most original cultural critics of the twentieth century. Illuminations includes his views on Kafka, with whom he felt a close personal affinity; his studies on Baudelaire and Proust; and his essays on Leskov and on Brecht’s Epic Theater. Also included are his penetrating study “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” an enlightening discussion of translation as a literary mode, and Benjamin’s theses on the philosophy of history.

Hannah Arendt selected the essays for this volume and introduces them with a classic essay about Benjamin’s life in dark times. Also included is a new preface by Leon Wieseltier that explores Benjamin’s continued relevance for our times.”

First published in German as Illuminationen. Ausgewählte Schriften, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M., 1955

English edition
Translated by Harry Zohn
Edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt
First published in 1968
Preface by Leon Wieseltier
Publisher Schocken Books, a division of Random House, New York, 2007
ISBN 0805202412, 9780805202410
278 pages

Publisher (EN)

Illuminations: Essays and Reflections (English, 1968/2007, updated on 2020-3-16)
Iluminaciones II: Baudelaire: un poeta en el esplendor del capitalismo (Spanish, trans. Jesús Aguirre, 1972, added on 2013-6-11)
Iluminácie (Slovak, trans. Adam Bžoch and Jana Truhlářová, 1999, added on 2013-6-11)