Bogumiła Suwara, Zuzana Husárová (eds.): V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: (2012) [Slovak, Czech]

20 September 2012, dusan

(EN) This international collective monograph brings an understanding of the problematic of changes in artistic communication in the context of the cultural practices of the post-digital era and simultaneously asks new questions about it. This book presents the keystones of electronic literature research that are based, among others, on the digital character of the text, on multisensory reading, playfulness, hypermediality, experimentation and Internet communication. Its aim is also to map digital literature in the cultural environment of Central Europe. Researchers from Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia collaborated on the publication. The monograph is a printed textual tapestry of various approaches, theories and perspectives that communicate among themselves, react to each other and together clarify the structure that literature personifies in the new media realm.

(SK) Kolektívna monografia prináša nové poznatky a zároveň kladie otázky o problematike zmien v umeleckej komunikácii v kontexte kultúry post-digitálnej doby. Prezentuje piliere výskumu elektronickej literatúry, ktoré okrem iného stoja na digitálnej podstate textu, na multisenzorickom čítaní, hravosti a hypermedialite, experimente a internetovej komunikácii. Cieľom je zároveň zmapovať recepciu digitálnej literatúry v kultúrnom prostredí strednej Európy. Na publikácii participovali bádatelia zo Slovenska, Čiech, Poľska, Slovinska a Chorvátska. Monografia je tlačenou textovou sieťou rôznych prístupov, teórií a hľadísk, ktoré vzájomne komunikujú, reagujú a spoločne dospievajú k osvetleniu štruktúry, ktorú literatúra v novo-mediálnom prostredí zosobňuje. 

Contributions by Zuzana Husárová, Jana Kuzmíková, Gabriela Magová, Mira Nabělková, Andrzej Pająk, Katarina Peović Vuković, Mariusz Pisarski, Michal Rehúš a Jaroslav Šrank, Janez Strehovec, Bogumiła Suwara, Jaroslav Švelch
Publisher: SAP & Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, Bratislava, 2012
Design and cover: Katarína Gatialová
ISBN 9788080950767
312 pages

Quo vadis elektronická kultúra? (a series of activities around the publication, Bratislava, 26-27 September 2012)

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Kinema Ikon catalogue (2005) [English/Romanian]

9 February 2012, dusan

Kinema Ikon is the oldest active experimental art group in Romania. Founded in 1970 as a multimedia atelier at the art school in Arad it is currently hosted by the Arad’s History Museum and Art Museum. Coming from the various fields (art, literature, architecture, photography, music, programming), its members created in over four decades an astonishing variety of works ranging from experimental film, video art, through hypermedia to interactive installations.

The catalogue accompanied the Kinema Ikon retrospective exhibition held at the MNAC, Bucharest in October-December 2005, curated by Raluca Velisar and Stefan Tiron. The first volume covers the experimental films and videos produced by the group, the second volume features hypermedia works, and the third volume is dedicated to Intermedia magazine published since 1994.

Editor Kinema Ikon
Concept and design by Calin Man
Publisher MNAC – The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest; Museum Arad; Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad
102 / 104 / 48 pages

Kinema Ikon on the Monoskop wiki

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PDF (Volume 2)
PDF (Volume 3)
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Roy Ascott (ed.): Reframing Consciousness: Art, Mind and Technology (1999)

3 October 2009, dusan

We are in the middle of a process of complex cultural transformation, but to what extent is this matched by the transformation in the way we see ourselves? This book covers a wide-ranging discussion on the interaction between Art, Science and Technology, and goes on to challenge assumptions about ‘reality’.

Loosely themed around four key elements of Mind, Body, Art and Values, the editor leads the investigation through the familiar territories of interactive media and artificial life, combining them with new and ancient ideas about creativity and personal identity.The contributing authors number over sixty highly respected practitioners and theorists in art and science, bringing to the subject a stimulating diversity of approach and a rich background of knowledge.

Art has long been preoccupied with questions involving the mind and consciousness. But it is fast finding that new technology, creatively applied, brings new possibilities to bear. This volume provides a strong foundation for the debates that are sure to follow in this field.

Publisher Intellect Books, 1999
ISBN 1841500135, 9781841500133
314 pages

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