Glissando, 1-8 (2004-06) [Polish]

28 December 2015, dusan

Polish magazine dedicated to contemporary, alternative and avant-garde music and sound art.

Edited by Jan Topolski, Michał Mendyk, et al.
Publisher Pro Musica Viva Foundation, Warsaw

Magazine website

Issue 1: Spektralizm / Awangarda japońska (2004, intro)
Issue 2: NY (2004, intro)
Issue 3: Free Improvisation. Młodzi (2005, intro)
Issue 4: Muzyka elektroniczna (2005, intro)
Issue 5-6: Co się stało z chłopcami z tamtych lat? (2005, intro)
Issue 7: Nowa złożoność, nowa prostota (2005, intro)
Issue 8: Skandynawia (2006, intro)

Aktuální umění, 1-2 (1964-65) [Czech]

14 December 2015, dusan

Aktuální umění [Contemporary Art], a rare, hand-assembled magazine by the Czech artists’ group of the same name, began production in late 1964. In it, the newly founded group—including Milan Knížák, Jan Mach, Vít Mach, Soňa Švecová, and Jan Trtílek—published its manifesto, documentation of its collective street actions, independent artistic contributions and statements by its members, and also Czech translations of international texts. Producing journals of radical art and ideas was illegal at this time in the former Czechoslovakia, so the magazine would have been circulated among friends rather than distributed openly through channels such as newsstands or the mail. In this way, Aktuální umění functioned as an alternative exhibition space for work that might not have been shown elsewhere and also as a platform for sharing ideas and information within a largely censored environment.

Most scholars estimate that at most fifty copies of each issue were produced, considering the cost and labor involved as well as the limited potential for distribution. The magazine was published under the title Aktuální umění for the first two issues, which could be considered the most significant in terms of their content and technical production. A third issue was published under the name Nutná činnost [The Necessary Activity] (1965), and from 1966 to 1968, Knížák produced three additional issues, dropping the magazine format altogether in favor of a more ephemeral and less costly newspaper presentation.” (Kim Conaty)

Self-published in Prague, 1964-65
30.8 x 22.6 cm
via Post

Issue 1 (1964, low res)
Issue 2 (Mar 1965, low res)
Prototype for Issue 2 (low res)

Libre Graphics Magazine 2(4): Capture (2015)

10 December 2015, dusan

“This issue looks at Capture, the act of encompassing, emulating and encapsulating difficult things, subtle qualities. Through a set of articles we explore capture mechanisms, memory, archiving and preservation of volatile digital information, physicality and aesthetization of data.”

With contributions by Raphäel Bastide, Antonio Roberts, Eric Schrijver, Birgit Bachler, Walter Langelaar, Stéphanie Vilayphiou, Scandinavian Institute for Computational Vandalism, Sebastian Schmieg, Kenneth Goldsmith, Robert M Ochshorn, Jessica Fenlon, Anna Carreras, Carles Domènech and Mariona Roca.

Edited by Ana Isabel Carvalho, ginger coons and Ricardo Lafuente
Publisher ginger coons, Dec 2015
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license
ISSN 1925-1416
50 pages


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