Susanne Knaller (ed.): Realität und Wirklichkeit in der Moderne. Texte zu Literatur, Kunst, Fotografie und Film (2013) [German]

1 August 2015, dusan

An online anthology of 78 theoretical and philosophical texts from the last two centuries presenting a range of conceptions of the reality, in particular exploring the ambiguity of the German notions of Realität and Wirklichkeit. The website also allows reading of the texts through occurrences of 40 selected concepts.

Maintained by Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Open Access

Texts (HTML)

Bit International, 5-6: The Word Image (1969) [CR-SR/int.]

7 April 2015, dusan

An issue of the magazine of Zagreb-based New Tendencies network, dedicated to concrete poetry. Six other issues were produced between 1968-72.

Vera Horvat-Pintarić, “The Word Image”
Branimir Donat, “Poésie concrete – cosmogonie-poetique de l’ere technologique”
Max Bense, “Konkrete Poesie”
Tomaž Brejc, “La compagnie OHO et la poésie topographique en Slovénie”
Siegfried J. Schmidt, “Computopoeme”
Željko Bujas, “First Croatian Literary Texts Computer-Processed”
Information bulletin about Tendencies 4 exhibition

Edited by Vera Horvat-Pintarić, et al.
Publisher Zagreb City Gallery, 1969
145 pages
via MAMA Zagreb

PDF (13 MB)

Foucault / Blanchot: Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside / Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him (1966/1986–) [FR, ES, EN, GLG, CZ, SR, BR-PT, PT, HU, RU]

6 April 2015, dusan

“In these two essays, novelist/essayist Maurice Blanchot and philosopher Michel Foucault reflect on each other’s work and develop a new perspective on the relationship between subjectivity, fiction, and the will to truth. The two texts present reflections on writing, language, and representation which question the status of the author/subject and explore the notion of a ‘neutral’ voice that arises from the realm of the ‘outside.'”

Foucault’s essay first published as “La pensée du dehors”, Critique 229 (June 1966), pp 523-546. Blanchot’s essay first published as Michel Foucault tel que je l’imagine, Fata morgana, Paris, 1986.

English edition
Translated by Brian Massumi (F) and Jeffrey Mehlman (B)
Publisher Zone Books, New York, 1987
ISBN 0942299027, 9780942299021
109 pages

Foucault’s essay
La pensée du dehors (sur Maurice Blanchot) (French, 1966/1994)
El pensamiento del afuera (Spanish, trans. Graciela Ortiz, 1986)
Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside (English, trans. Brian Massumi, 1987)
El pensamiento del afuera (Galician, trans. Manuel Arranz Lázaro, 1988/1997)
Myšlení vnějšku (Czech, trans. Miroslav Petříček, 1996/2003)
Mišljenje spoljašnjosti (Serbian, trans. Vladimir Milisavljević, 2005)
O pensamento do exterior (Brazilian Portuguese, trans. Inês Autran Dourado Barbosa, 2009)

Blanchot’s essay
Michel Foucault tel que je l’imagine (French, 1986)
Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him (English, trans. Jeffrey Mehlman, 1987)
Foucault como o imagino (Portuguese, trans. Miguel Serras Perreira and Ana Luiza Faria, 1987)
Michel Foucault, tal y como lo imagino (Spanish, 1992, HTML)
Michel Foucault – ahogy én látom (Hungarian, trans. Mihancsik Zsófia, 1997, HTML)
Mishel Fuko, kakim ya ego sebe predstavlyayu (Russian, trans. V.E. Lapitsky, 2002, DJVU)

For more from Foucault see Monoskop wiki.