Sound Exchange: Anthology of Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe 1950-2010 (2012) [English/German]

19 November 2012, dusan

“The long traditions of experimental music cultures in Central and Eastern Europe are diverse and multifaceted, but have been difficult to access until now. With contributions from selected music, media and cultural studies specialists from eight countries, this anthology bundles together elements of unearthing material locally and documents current positions and historical finds by protagonists, as well as musical aesthetic qualities in the history of musical experiments in Central and Eastern Europe. The anthology pursues commonalities and singularities and discusses their relationship with the international history of experimental music.

The often barely known musical and artistic positions portrayed here show a wide stylistic and aesthetic spectrum of electro-acoustic music, composed and improvised music, musical media art and audio art from 60 years of experimental musical culture in the context of decades-long political repression and an atmosphere of increasing openness and international networking following 1989.”

With contributions by Antoni Beksiak, Balázs Kovács, Daiga Mazvērsīte, Gerhard Lock, Hans-Gunter Lock, Māra Traumane, Martin Flašar, Michal Rataj, Miloš Vojtěchovský, Monika Pasiecznik, Pavel Klusák, Slávo Krekovič, Tautvydas Bajarkevicius, Viestarts Gailītis.

Edited by Carsten Seiffarth, Carsten Stabenow, and Golo Föllmer
Publisher PFAU, Saarbrücken, 2012
ISBN 9783897274877, 3897274876
400 pages

Book website

PDF (20 MB, added on 2019-1-25, via book website)
HTML (updated on 2019-1-31)

Larry Austin, Douglas Kahn (eds.): Source: Music of the Avant-Garde, 1966-1973 (2011)

11 October 2012, dusan

“The journal Source: Music of the Avant-garde was and remains a seminal source for materials on the heyday of experimental music and arts. Conceived in 1966 and published to 1973, it included some of the most important composers and artists of the time: John Cage, Harry Partch, David Tudor, Morton Feldman, Robert Ashley, Pauline Oliveros, Dick Higgins, Nam June Paik, Steve Reich, and many others. A pathbreaking publication, Source documented crucial changes in performance practice and live electronics, computer music, notation and event scores, theater and installations, intermedia and technology, politics and the social roles of composers and performers, and innovations in the sound of music.”

Publisher University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2011
Roth Family Foundation Music in America Books series
ISBN 0520267451, 9780520267459
382 pages

Reviews: Continuo (2011), Michael Boyd (Computer Music Journal, 2013).

Wikipedia (about the journal)

PDF (removed on 2013-7-18 upon request of the publisher)

Synapse: The Electronic Music Magazine (1976-1979)

18 September 2012, dusan

Synapse: The Electronic Music Magazine (later Synapse: International Electronic Music) was a bi-monthly American magazine about synthesizers and electronic music published March 1976 to June 1979. During an era when commercial synthesizers were still pretty new and mostly DIY, Synapse was notable for its high production values, interviews with famous musicians, and articles by well-known writers.

The production team consisted of editor Douglas Lynner, art director Chris August, photographer Bill Matthias and managing editors Colin Gardner and Melodie Bryant. After 14 issues they ran out of money and closed down.

The magazine issues have been scanned and posted online by its founder Cynthia Webster at Cyndustries.

More information

Volume 1, Number 2, April/May 1976 (added on 2019-8-11 via HT Ezra J. Teboul)
Volume 1, Number 3, September/October 1976
Volume 1, Number 4, November/December 1976
Volume 1, Number 5, January/February 1977
Volume 1, Number 6, March/April 1977
Volume 2, Number 1, May/June 1977
Volume 2, Number 2, July/August 1977
Volume 2, Number 3, November/December 1977
Volume 2, Number 4, January/February 1978
Volume 2, Number 5, March/April 1978
Volume 2, Number 6, Summer 1978
Volume 3, Number 1, January/February 1979
Volume 3, Number 2, Summer 1979
GIFs (on, via Internet Archive)